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5/25/06 "Numero 5-0-0"
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Can anybody guess what movie the joke is from? Haha. I designed and created a poster yesterday for the library book sale, I then laminated it today, I might put it in my portfolio.

Today May 25th 2006 I have reached 500 comics. It's bizarre on many levels. First that I actually hand drawn 500 separate comics. Second that you guys want more. I have been threaten by three of my friends if I stop my comic they will kick my ass. Haha.

I would like to say, here's to more comics. Of all sorts, bad, funny, depressing and so on and so forth. Also THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME THESE PAST YEAR AND A HALF. I APPRECIATE YOU ALL AND LOVE YOU <3.

Tomorrow will begin the guest comic week or so. I got lot's of talent lined up(and a few latecomers) so let's GO!!!

"Celebrate good times, come on! Let's celebrate."
(Celebration, Kool & The Gang)
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